This is our new website. If you have any ideas or would like to see something added, please use the Contact Us button at the top to let us know.
West Lindsey District Council has kindly sought and provided us a map from the PREIM days.
See where your money goes!
Recent and upcoming events are published here. If we have missed something, please let us know.
Contact us if you would like to add an advert in this section for the good and benefit of the Estate.
Section 1
This is our new website in its infancy. The plan is to grow it further with publishing accounts, meeting agendas, plans, property boundaries, etc.
Please Contact Us by selecting the blue button above right with your ideas on what you would like to see published.
Estate Plan
Section 2
Services Provided
Section 3
Car Parking
Car Parking has been the main focus for a number of years now. Extra spaces have been created and lining of the car parking areas has taken shape.
Landscape Works
Current contract in-place to keep the grass and hedges cut to a reasonable level.
Road Works
On top of the extra car parking spaces that have been created throughout the estate, pot holes and drainage areas are repaired very quickly.
Safety Cameras
The safety cameras have recently been improved to pivot up and down and around. The the resolution has been upgraded to provide very clear video coverage over larger areas of the estate. There are plans to provide more safety cameras around the garages and alley ways.
Recent and Upcoming Events
Section 4
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Wednesday 26 June 2024
19:00 - 20:00 hours
The event takes place in the main hall of Hemswell Cliff Primary School. Everyone is welcome!
Minutes are found in the link below.
Litter Picking
First Saturday of the month
10:00 - 11:00 hours
Join us! Please meet at Capper Avenue play park.
Council Meeting
Tuesday 22 October 2024
14:00 - 16:00 hours
Volunteer Directors meet with our partners at the West Lindsey District Council offices at either Caenby Corner Offices or Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough every quarter.
Hemswell Resurfacing
Dropped Curb Works are being carried out by Hemswell Resurfacing on Tuesday 22 October 2024, at the following locations:
Location 1 – Outside the school accessLocation 2 – Corner of James Road and Capper Avenue
Location 3 – Lower corner of Anderson Road and Capper Avenue - postponed due to lack of funds
CCTV Visit
The operators of the CCTV around the estate have kindly agreed to a visit from HRC Directors, Council and Parish members.
Ancholme meeting room and the CCTV control room at the Guildhall (WLDC office) in Gainsborough at 4:30 pm Wednesday 21 August 2024.
Street Gully Jetting Out Work
Street Gully Jetting Out Work commenced on Tuesday 29 October through to Wednesday 30 October 2024.
This work is essential to make sure rain water can drain away effectively.
Section 5
For the good and benefit of the Estate